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NARA 365

Josh G. Wright
Block 115 House on 3rd bwt Ann and Nun Sts 

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 15 | By Rent Ellen Robinson 1 Mo to May 1-65 | 8.00 |
| June 2 | By Rent Ellen Robinson 1 Mo to June 1/65 | 5.00 |
| June 7 | By Rent Ellen Robinson 1 Mo to July 1/65 | 5.00 |
|    | House given up |   |
|July 25/ 65 | Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen  &c. |   |
| Aug 1 | By Rent J.F. Ertkenker to Sep 15/65 | 5.00 |
| Sept 1 | By Rent J.F. Ertkenker to Oct 1/65 49 | 5.00 |

This property restored to Mrs Mary Ann Wright by Special Order No 45 dated Asst Commr Office Raleigh NC Sept 14th 1865 her right to take effect on and after Oct 1st 1865 which time the lease thereon expires

Thos. C Knight
Block 114 Ston on Market St. lot Front and Matis Sts
[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 15 | By Rent Thos On Gardner 1 Mo to Apl 21st 65 | 50.00 |
| May 6 | By Rent Thos On Gardner 1 Mo to May 21/65 | 50.00 |
| May 30 | By Rent Thos On Gardner 1 Mo to June 21/65 | 50.00 |
| July 12 | By Rent Thos On Gardner 1 Mo to July 21\65 | 50.00 |
| July 25/65 | Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedman &c. |   |
| Sept 5 | By Cash of I McCormack 2 Mo Augt & Sept 21 1856 54 | 100.00 |


This property restored to Mrs Mary Knight by Speal order No 45 dated Asst Commr Office Raleigh N.C. Sept 14tj 1865 her right to take effect from and after Sept 21st 1865 which time the lease thereon Expires