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John A. Johnson
Block 225  House & Kitchen on Rankin St bet McRae & Andersen St. 

[[ 3 columned table ]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 21 | By rent Prince Swain (cold) 1 Mo to May 17/65 | 8 00 |
| May 29 | By rent Prince Swain (cold) 1 Mo to June 16/65 | 8 00 |
| June 19 | By rent Prince Swain (cold) 1 Mo to July 16/65 | 6 00 |
| July 20 | By rent Prince Swain (cold) 1 Mo to Augt 16/65 | 6 00 |

July 25th/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau Refugees Freedman &c

| Aug 21 | By rent of Prince Swain 1 Mo to Sept. 16 Page 45 | 6 00 |
| Sept 19 | By rent of Prince Swain 1 Mo to Oct 16/65 Page 58 | 6 00 |


This property restored SO No 56 dated Sept 29, 1865

John A. Johnson
Block 239  House on McRae St bet Rankin & Miller St.

[[ 3 columned table ]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 21/65 | By rent Jordan Wiggins 1 Mo to May 4th 1865 | 2.00 |
| May 23 | By rent Jordan Wiggins 1 Mo to June 4/65 | 2 00 |
| June 8 | By rent Jordan Wiggins 1 Mo to July 4/65 | 2 00 |

July 25/65 Transferd to Financial Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c

| July 25 | By Rent of Jordon Wiggins 1 Mo to Augt 4/65 | 2 00 |


This property restored S.O. No 56 dated Sep 29, 1865