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O.G. Parsley
House in rear of Blossom's distillery on No Ea Branch Cape Fear River

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
|    |  |   |
| May 1 | By rent Anna Woodward 1 mo to June 1/65 | 2.00 |
| May 31 | By rent Anna Woodward 1 mo to July 1/65 | 2.00 |
| July 5 | By rent Anna Woodward 1 mo to Aug 1/65 | 2.00 |
| July 25/65 | transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c. |   |
| Aug 3 | By rent Anna Woodward 1 mo to Sep 1/65 | 2.00 |
| Sep 7 | By rent Anna Woodward 1 mo to Oct 1/65 | 2.00 |


This property Restored to A.G. Parsley by Special Order No. 43 dated Assst Commissioner Office Raleigh NC Sept 8th 1865 his right in the same to take effect on and after Oct 1st 1865 which time the lease therein expires.


O.G. Parsley
House in rear of Blisoms distillery in North East branch of Cape Fear River

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 1 | By rent Luke Hilborn 1 mo to June 1/65 | 2.00 |
|    | Lease given up |   |
| July 25/65 | Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c. |   |