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John Wooster
Block 164 Store cor Market & Front St.
[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to May 1/65 |   | 25.00 |
| May 2 | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to June 1/65 |   | 25 00 |
| June 6 | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to July 1/65 |   | 50 00 |
| July 3 | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to Aug 1/65 |   | 50 00 |

July 25th/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.

| Aug 1 | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to Sep 1/65 |   | 50.00 |
| Sept 1 | By rent H. McLin 1 Mo to Oct 1/65 | 50 | 50 00 |

This property Restored to his possession John Wooster by special order No 33, dated Asst Commissioners office Raleigh No. Ca August 29th 1865, his right in the same to take effect Octo 1st 1865 which time the lease thereon expires


Jerry King
Block 101. House on 2nd St. bet Nun. & Church

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 4. | By rent Mrs. Catharine Young 1 Mo to June 1/65 |   | Null Correct Account on folio 176 |

July 25th/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c