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Fergus McRae.

Block 151 Store on Dock St. bet Water & Front St.

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| May 25 | By rent John Devane 1 Mo to June 24/65 |   | 8 00 |

July 25th/65 Transfd. to Financial Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.

| Augt 16 | By Cash of John Devane 2 Mos to Augt 24/65 | 43 | 16 00 |
| Sept 21 | By Cash of John Devane 1 Mo to Sept 24/65 | 58 | 8 00 |
| Sept 27 | By Cash of John Devane 1 Mo to Oct 27/65 | 60 | 8 00 |


Freedmens relief Assn Store retained in hands of Bureau for Freedmens store.

This property restored S.O. No 109 dated Dec 11.1865.


Thomas Morrison

Block 198 House Cor Chestnut & 8th St.

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 26 | By rent Robert Morrison 2 months rent to June 1/65 | 10 00 |
| May 31 | By rent Robert Morrison 1 mo to July 1/65 | 5 00 |
| July 1 | By rent Robert Morrison 1 mo to Aug 1/65 | 5 00 |

July 25/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.

| Aug 1 | By rent Thomas Morrison 1 mo to Sept 1/65 | 5 00 |
| Oct 17 | By rent Thomas Morrison 1 mo 5 ds  Oct 5/65 | 5 80 |


Oct 17  This property restored S.O. No 61 dated Oct 5.1865