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1865 E P Halls Estate
Store on Water St betn Mulbery & Chesnut St.

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| July 11 | By Rent of C Duer 1 Mo to Augt 1/65 |   | 18 00 |

July 25/65 Transfd. to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

| Aug 9 | By Rent of C Doze 1 Mo to Sep. 1st 1865 |   | 25.00 |
| Sept 5 | By Rent of C Doze 1 Mo to Oct 1/65 | 54 | 25 00 |

This property restored SO No 61 dated Oct 5. 1865

1865 S.B. Kahnweiler
Store on Market St betn Front & 2d St Block 165

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| July 12 | By Rent of James Shackelford 1 Mo to to July 25/65 | 30 00 |

July 25/65 Transfd. to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

| Aug 11 | By Rent of S.B. Kahnweiler 1 Mo to to Sep 1st/65 | 60.00 |

This property Restored to Simon B Kahnweiler by special order No 37 dated Asst Commissions office Raleigh NC August 16/65 - his right in the same to take effect on and after Sept 1/65, which time the lease will expire