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O G Parsley 
Ware House under Rock Spring Hotel on Chesnut St betw Water and Front st Block 177

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| July 13 | By rent of Shackelford & Haas 1 Mo to Augt 13/65 |   | 8 00 |
July 25/65 Transfd. to Financial Bureau of Refugees, Freedman &c

| Aug 8 | By rent J. Shackelford 1 Mo ending Sept 13/65 |    | 8.00 |

His Property Restored to O.G. Parsley by Special Order No 40 - dated Asst. Commiss office Raleigh NC Sept 8th 1865 - his right in the same to take effect Oct 1st 1865 by which time the lease thereon expires. 

1865 Wm Reston - former owner and abandoned his Summer Residence, located at Wrightsville Sound 6 miles from the Town of Wilmington. "Leased" to 

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| April 1 | Elkanah Allen (from this date) Rent for April |
22 25 | D Heaton April Report |
| May 1 | Elkanah Allen (from this date) Rent for May | 22 25 | D Heaton May Report |
| June 1 | Elkanah Allen (from this date) Rent for June | 22 25 | O.O. Kelsea June Report |

July 25/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Written to Dec 9. 1865

This property Restored to Wm Reston by Specl Order No 52 dated Asst Commrs Office Raleigh N.C. Sept 26th 1865 - his right in the same to take effect on and after Jany 1st 1866 which time the lease thereon on expires