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Thomas Harding - former owner and abandoned his Summer Residence and premises thereto, located at Masonboro Sound 8 miles from the Town of Wilmington
Leased to

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| May 1 | Dr. E.A. Anderson - Rent for May | 8 00 | D. Heaton May Report | 
| June 1 | Dr. E.A. Anderson - Rent for June | 8 00 | O.O. Kelsea June Report | 
| July 1 | Dr. E.A. Anderson - Rent for July | 8 00 | O.O. Kelsea July Report | 

July 25/65. Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedman &c &c

| Aug 2 | Dr E.A. Anderson Rent for Aug | Error of $2- at time of writing this entry | 8.00 |
| Aug 19 | Dr E A  Anderson Rent for Sept |   | 8 00 |

This property Restored to Thomas Harding by special order No 40 - dated Asst Commissioners office Raleigh N.C Sept 8th 1865 - his right in the same to take effect on and after which time the lease thereon expires Octo 1st 1865

Heirs of Edwd. P. Hall. decd - former Owners and Aband'd their Summer Residence and premises thereto, located at Wrightsville Sound 6. Miles from the Town of Wilmington
Leased to

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| May 1. | F.D. Smaw - Rent for May | $ 10 00 | D Heaton May Report | 
|   | F.D. Smaw - Rent for June | 10 00 | O.O. Kelsea June Report | 

July 25/65. Transferred to Financial Bureau, Refugees Freedman &c &c

| Augt 2 | F.D. Smaw - Rent for July | 43 | 10 00 |
Written to Dec 9

This property restored - Sp Or No 61 Oct 5. 1865