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Mrs. O.L. Fillyons - former owner - Aband'd her Plantation, on East side of Weldon Rail Road had 3½ miles from Wilmington  

Leased to
Mch 24 Owen Brinney and D. Sadgner to January 1st 1865
Dec 8 By Casg sales produce 5 74 10.90

Oct 18/65 This property restored S.Or. No 64 dated Oct 9. 1865

Jerimiah King former owner abandoned his Plantation and Buildings thereon, located on East side of Weldon Rail Road ½ miles from Wilmington - Cont'g. 100 Acres.

Leased to
Mch 24 Isham West and Jno. H. Savage to January 1st 1866
Lessee died - no returns of the plantation

This property Returned to Jeremiah King by special order dated Asst Commissioners Office Raleigh NC August 29 1865 - his right in the same to take effect on and after 1st Jany 1866 which the lease thereon expires

1865 James T. Pettiway - former Owner - abandoned his plantation and buildings thereon, at Smith Creek 4½ miles from Wilmington

Leased to
Mach 28 Robert Maxwell to January 1st 1866 - a certain part 25 acres
Nov 29 By Cash proceeds sales nett (71) $40.00

This property restored SO No. 86 dated Nov 9/1865

James T. Pettiway (Same as above)
Leased to 
Apl 1st Aaron Howe and Joe Pettiway (Col'd) to January 1st 1866 Certain part
Oct 18 Aaron How By Fodder 64 5.00

This property restored SO No. 86 dated Nov 9. 1865