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Dr. John D. Bellamy - former owner - abandoned his Plantation and dwelling &c thereon - located on Town Creek Brunswick lies 7 miles below the Town of Wilmington County   Acres

[[5 Columned Table]]
1865 |   |   |   |   
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Apl 6. | Leased to James R. Robinson to January 1st 1866  Rations advanced val $726.42 |   |   |   
Nov 2 | Cash proceeds produce | 67 | 35 00 } |  
Nov 9 | Cash proceeds produce | 69 | 38 00 } | 
Nov 18 |   |   | 7 25 } | 80.25

This property Restored to Dr J D Bellamy by Spec'l Order No 46 dated Asst Comm's Office Raleigh N.C. Sept 16th 1865  his right in the Same to take effect from and on the 1st day of Jany 1866 which time the lease thereon    