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John W. Howard former owner abandoned his Plantation and dwellings &c thereon – located on Topsail Sound 16 miles east of Wilmington Contg   acres.

April 8th Leased to Thomas W. Howard     to January 1st 1866

[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Nov. 15 | Cash net provides proceeds  produce | (69) | 97 50 |

| Jan 2nd/66 | Cash net proceeds  Pea Nuts | (77) | 74 00 |

This property restored to [[?]] W Howard by Special Order No 53 dated Asst Comm's Office Raleigh N.C Sept 26th 1865  hia right to take effect on and after Jany 1st 1866 which time the lease thereon exspires

Mrs. Huldah Moore - Former owner - abandoned his 14 miles north east of Wilmington -  Contg.    Acres.
Leased to 
Apl 10 William J. Scott  to January 1st 1866

This property Restored to Mrs Huldah Moore by Special Order No 26 dated Asst. Commissioner's Office Raleigh N.C Aug't 15/65 This night in the same to take effect immediately  Aug't 17/65.

Transcription Notes:
-(07sep2021; 8:17PM)The middle part of the transcription needs to be made into a two-row table. No headers. First column would be date. Second column would be "Cash net proceeds", third column would be "produce", then "Rea nuts". You get the gist of it.