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August 2, 1949

Mrs. Ruth M. Bronson
1426 35th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mrs. Bronson:

I have just received your letter of July 30 suggesting that we invite certain Indian friends and organizations helping Indians to attend our convention as spectators.  I think your thought along that line is good, and you are authorized to invite the organizations set forth in your letter.  It will be OK for the Congregational Church to send Galen Weaver who has been interested in Fort Berthold Indians.

Now, as to Dr. Herman Long, I hardly know how to answer your question. Since the meeting is being held in the north, I think there would be very little reaction. If it could be arranged so that he might be present on one day as an observer, I think the matter would not create any problem.  I recall at one of our NCAI conventions in Oklahoma City there were four or five negroes who appeared in the House of Representatives where we were holding our meeting, and they were finally told that the meeting was strictly an Indian meeting, etc. With Dr. Long it might be a different proposition. I wish you would discuss this matter with Ben Dwight, and after talking to him, if he thinks it would be alright I believe I would concur in his idea in the matter. I am sure that there would be no objection to him being present on one day as an observer and as an interested leader of a large group of people.  

I mailed Roger Baldwin a letter yesterday, and you, no doubt, have received a copy of that letter by now.  

I sent you a check yesterday for $210.00 to cover operating expenses of NCAI office.  However, if your bills are pressing and urgent, you might pay them with this money, at least a part of it, and perhaps in a few days other money will be coming in.

I received from you yesterday the $173.00 and a $100.00 contribution from W. W. Keeler which makes a total received within the last two days of $273.00.  After paying you check number 218 August 1 in the amount of $210.00 there was a balance in our treasury of $42.54, which amount together with the $273.00 makes a total balance as of this date $315.54. I hope we get the check from the Robert Marshall Trust Fund before the convention. The checks on the $173.00 remittances and [[Keeler]] check $100 were mailed in to the bank yesterday, and as soon as they have cleared I will be in a position to draw from the fund for necessary purposes. 

N B Johnson
N.B. Johnson

H.R. 3275
