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November 26, 1949

Mr. Herbert John, Regional Secretary
The National Congress of American Indians.
Marietta, Washington.

Dear Mr. John:

We, of the John H. Kittles Post, would like to offer our congratulations and best wishes to you, on your recent appointment as Regional Secretary to the National Congress of American Indians. We know that you will fulfill the duties of this office to the best interest of all Indians of the Pacific Northwest.

It is by reason of your recent appointment as Regional Secretary, that we feel that you are the proper person to contact in regards to the coming events of this years program, as it will effect the attendance at the National Congress of American Indians' Convention, which is slated for August in Bellingham. At a recent meeting of this Post, it was made a matter of utmost importance that you do all that you can to persuade the Heads of the N.C.A.I. to move the dates of their coming convention. We know that it would be for the best interest of all concerned if the convention was held any time between June and the first two weeks of July. There are several reasons for this request, some of which I'll attempt to relate for your benefit, as well as for those to whom it may concern within your organization.

The month of August is one of the busiest for the greatest number of Indians of the Puget Sound, because the majority of our people gain their lively-hood by fishing. Our people will be in the midst of seasonal run of commercial salmon and naturally will not and can not take the time off to attend the convention. So we speak in behalf of a great many people, whom, we know, are looking forward to your convention, should it occur at a more opportune time.

Going on to another reason, let me say here that our next reason should not be overlooked in importance, for we feel that it is growing to equal any celebration in the State, and I speak of this Post's annual three day "Lummi Stommish Water Carnival", which is held at Gooseberry Point in June. We place this in our reasons because it is in itself a big calling card to all Indians from the entire Pacific Northwest.

Now then, if the N.C.A.I. Convention could be moved to an earlier date, to correspond with the same week that we are holding the "Stommish", it would without a doubt get the full benefit of those who will be traveling great distances to attend our celebration. We feel that it would be an added booster, not only to the "Stommish" but also to the N.C.A.I. Convention.