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R. W. Hitchcock, Publisher
E. H. Lighter, Business Manager

Established 1878

Audit Bureau of Circulation
Bureau of Advertising
The Associated Press
Inland Daily Press Association
Newspaper Advertising Executives
South Dakota Press Association

Northwest Daily Press Association
Palace Building, Minneapolis

[[remainder of letter is partially covered by a newspaper clipping]]

January 5, 1950

[[covered]]hat you desire to reprint our
[[covered]] Bulletin. It it is a pleasure to


Warren Morrell
Warren Morrell
Executive Editor 

[[end of letter]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
Official Newspaper of the City of Rapid City
Official Newspaper of Pennington County.
Established Jan. 5, 1878, by Joseph B. Gossage.

R. W. Hitchcock ... Publisher
E. H. Lighter ... Business Manager
Warren E. Morrell ... Executive Editor

Published by The Journal Publishing Company at the Journal Building 507 Main St., Rapid City, S.D.

Telephone Star Exchange 28
The Journal is published every evening except Sunday and holidays. Entered at the Postoffice at  Rapid City, S.D., as second class matter under Act of Congress, March 6, 1879.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this paper and also the local news 
printed therein.
A.J. Connor .. Circulation Manager
Mail Rates
Zone 1-2         $8.00 per year
Zone 3-4-5      $10.00 per year
Zone 6-7-8      $12.00 per year
Carrier Rates    25c per week
Whatever happened to atomic-age education/ It was here only a moment ago.
- Dr. Henry G. Doyle of George Washington University 

The National Congress Of American Indians
Today, and for the following three days Rapid City is host to the annual convention of the National Congress of American Indians. The 200 official delegates represent 80,000 members of the NCAI.

It seems out of place to welcome the Indians to Rapid City. It is somewhat like welcoming the owner back to the house in which you are living and are not paying rent. The white men moved in on the Indian, took the best f what he had, shoved him into reservations made up mostly of land white settlers didn't want and have done little to help the Indians become adjusted to the white man's civilization which is foreign to the Indian.

Rapid City is proud to have the American Indians convene here. The Sioux - the host tribe - has a glorious record as fighters and hunters. It was the Sioux who whipped General Custer and his men 73 years ago this summer. While that is the best known Sioux triumph, the tribe was victorious over U.S. troops in this region on other occasions.

The Custer battle was in Montana but the fight was over the Black Hills which the white men had invaded to carry out gold. The Black Hills were sacred to the Sioux and are still beloved by the descendants of Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, spotted Tail, Gall and other famous Sioux Warriors.

It is fitting that the national convention is being held in an area so rich in Indian history. It is also appropriate that Rapid City - which has one of the largest Indian populations of any city in the United States - is host.

Members of the National Congress of American Indians are working toward equality for the original Americans. Theirs is a difficult role. We hope their convention in Rapid City will be successful in every way. Rapid City is honored to have them here.