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Judge N. B Johnson                   
President, NCAI
The Supreme Court
State of Oklahoma
Washington, D. C.

Dear Judge Johnson:
Since writing my letter to you of July 21, in which I accepted your kind invitation to address the 6th Annual Convention of the NCAI at Rapid City on September 22, a change in my plans has occurred, which makes it necessary for me to withdraw my acceptance.
Assistant Secretary Warne has asked me to serve as a member of a group which is to visit the Pribilof Islands and other arctic stations in late September and early October, for the purpose of reporting to the Secretary of the Interior on conditions there. This trip will be preceded by a meeting of the Alaska Field Committee at McKinley National Park in Alaska on September 21 and 22, which I feel that I should definitely attend.
It is with the deepest regret, therefore, that I must inform you of this change in plans. I had been looking forward to attending the Convention, which would have afforded me an excellent opportunity to meet so many Indians from all parts of the country. I hope, however, that since the Convention is still more than six weeks in the future, that it will be possible for you to make other arrangements. 

Please extend my best wishes to all officers and members of the National Congress for a most successful Annual Convention.
Sincerely yours,
John R. Nichols,