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August 20, 1949

Mr. W. E. McIntosh
111 East Independence
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Dear Mr. McIntosh:

I have had no letter from you since the convention in Denver last year but we have sent you material on the assumption that you have been serving as Regional Secretary for the State of Oklahoma.
I hope that you are planning to attend the convention in Rapid City on September the 21st through the 24th. At that time we are asking all of the Regional Secretaries to make a report on their work for the past year. Below is a letter I have written to all of the 6 Regional Secretaries, which, includes yourself.
"I am looking forward to seeing you at the convention. This letter is to ask that you, as Regional Secretary, use a portion of the time on the program allotted to the Executive Secretary for a report of your work as Regional Secretary for the past year. I would suggest a very brief report, using up not more than 5 minutes.
If convenient for you to do so, I would like to have a copy of your report in my hands before leaving here for the convention. A letter similar to this is going out to all of the Regional Secretaries"
Sincerely yours,
Ruth M. Bronson
Executive Secretary