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February 10, 1949

Mrs. Eva J. Nichols
President Black Hills Council of American Indians
Rapid City
South Dakota

My dear Mrs. Nichols:

I have delayed answering your letter of January 21st in the hope that by this time I would have received a copy of the minutes of the Denver Convention to get the exact dates for the Rapid City Convention. I have not yet received a copy of the minutes but am expecting them daily, from the recording secretary of the Convention. I am told the dates chosen were September 21-24. As soon as the minutes are received I will write you definitely on this point. It is sometime around this date, however. 

I can see no objection to your erecting an Indian village on the Fair grounds and to giving authentic programs there, however, this will have to be determined by a Convention Committee and by Justice N.B.Johnson, President of our organization. I am writing Justice Johnson today to ask his opinion. I notice that you sent him a copy of your letter of January 21st.

It seems to me it would be fair to divide the receipts, from admission to events of the Convention, between the Black Hills Council which will assume financial responsibility for the projects, and the NCAI; the percentage to be determined by a Committee set up for that purpose. 

I am delighted that your group is beginning already to work on the program for the Convention next September and I know that it will be a very successful Fair. I have already had word from a number of members saying that they expect to attend the Rapid City Convention. 

Sincerely yours, 

Ruth M. Bronson