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[[note]] Convention 1949 [[/note]]

Ruth: Here is a letter and my answer.

February 15, 1949

Mr. Gerald E. Tiffany
Account Executive
Box 1328
Rapid City, South Dakota

Dear Mr. Tiffany:

I have your letter of recent date relative to the next annual convention of the National Congress of American Indians. 

At our convention in Denver, it was voted to hold the next convention in Rapid City, South Dakota, and the tentative date was set for the 19th of September, as I recall it. The convention, in all probability, will last three days. In all probability, there will be an attendance of around two hundred delegates from all sections of the United States.

I am enclosing a circular which will give you an idea of the aims and purposes of the organization, and the purpose of our convention will be to formulate and devise ways and means of carrying out a program for the betterment of the Indian people. 

For further details regarding our convention, I suggest that you write to our secretary, Mrs. Ruth M. Bronson, 1426 35th Street, N.W., Washington 7, D.C., and Mr. William Firethunder, Allen, South Dakota. The secretary will have the names of the convention committee and, no doubt, will furnish you with the same.

Thanking you for your interest and cooperation, I am


N. B. Johnson
President, NCAI
