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NARA 837

Office of Chief Commissary of Subsistence 
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c, Dept of N.C
Raleigh N.C. July 26th 1865
Superintendents of Districts will please transmit to this office, previous to the tenth of August an account of the number of rations issued to Refugees and Freedmen in their respective districts for the month of July. 
A similar report will be required for each succeeding month.
By Command of 
Col E Whittlesey 
Asst Commissioner 
(Signed) Geo. C. Almy
Capt and C.S.
Lieut. Col. Clapp
Supt., at Raleigh

Head Quarters Department of N.C. 
Army of the Ohio, 
Raleigh N.C. July 28th 1865
[[left margin]] Leave of absence [[/left margin]]
Special Orders }
No. 135 } "Extract"
6. Leave of Absence is hereby granted the following named Officers, for the number of days and for the reasons set opposite their respective names:
Frank J. Ford Capt. Co. "F." 5th U.S.C.T. 20 days
Personal reasons
With permission to go beyond the limits of the Department

By Command of Brevet Major Genrl Reagan:
(Signed) Clinton A Cilley
Asst. Adjt. Genrl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Comm Dept NC
Raleigh N.C. Aug 7th 1865
Special Orders
No 9 "Extract"
II Lt. Col. D. E. Clapp Supt of E Dist will proceed without delay to Morrisville and return on business connected with this Bureau
The Q M Dept will furnish necessary transportation
By Command of 
Col E Whittlesey 
Asst Comm
(Signed) Fred H Beecher
Lt. and A A A Genl

Lt. Col. D E Clapp

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Central Dist Aug 19th 1865
Captain E H Linton 
39th U.S.C.T.
You will proceed to Pittsboro, Chatham Co and investigate any case of alleged abuse to Freedmen. Also to inspect the general Condition of the Freedmen in Chatham County and make a report of all your transactions to this Office.
Dexter E. Clapp 
Lt. Col. 38th U.S.C.T. and Supt of Freedmen

Transcription Notes:
There is a listing for "Morrisville" U.S.C.T. = United States Colored Troops