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1866 amounted to 1139. rations while that of Jan 14th exhibited 1362 showing a decrease of (223) rations during the last fourteen days. Those persons who reside here and who depend on the Govt. for support are growing less every week as I make it is my chief duty to provide with suitable employment all those who are able to do something. Rations are issued only to those utterly destitute and unable to work. "Owing however to the peculiar situation of this place, it being the diverging point of four rail-ways, there a number of Freedmen with their families continually passing through seeking employment in the interior, who are compelled to stay over in order to make connection with the various trains, and are while here, thrown on the Govt. for support. Respectfully returned to Geo O. Glavis Chaplain U.S.A. and Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. Goldsboro - whose more careful attention is invited to the endorsement from this office dated Feb. 10th 1866. It is the cause of the gain during the fourteen days ending Jan 14th over the fourteen days ending Dec. 28th 1865 that he is desired to explain. 
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. 
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist. 
Raleigh Feb. 12th 1866
Ends'mt. of Chaplain Geo. O. Glavis  Respectfully returned 
My ration return by Semi-Monthly report of Dec. 27th 1865, exhibits 1220 rations to 259 persons while that of Jan 13th 1866 exhibits an issue of 1362 rations to 291 persons showing an increase during the latter period of 142 rations and 32 persons This increase resulted mainly from the number of families of Freedmen passing through Goldsboro in search of employment. 
Respectfully returned to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Commissioner with reference to the endorsement of Chaplin Glavis. 
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central District
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Central Dist. Feb 21st 1866

Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Tarboro
Rocky Mount Feb. 1866
Cox Wm. F. E.B. p. 21, 50
2d Lieut and Asst. Supt. 
Forwards Indenture of Apprenticeship.
Respectfully returned to Wm F. Cox Lieut 20th V.R.C. and Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. Tarboro for correction. In the [[?]] "put place and bind unto the said Estelle Wallach" For the last mentioned name substitute J.M. Spagins, and after the 


word named write the name of the Apprentice. The Indenture must be rewritten and signed. The attention of Lt. Cox, is called to Par. IV Circular No. 4 Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comm. which requires that Indentures be made in accordance with the Laws of the State applying to White children. 
These laws only authorize the binding of females until the age of eighteen. 
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central District
Bureau of R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. C. Dist. 
Raleigh Feb. 13th 1866

Raleigh N.C. Feb. 14th 1866
Penniman Geo. H. 
Lieut 28th Mich and Asst. Supt. 
Submits letters &c relating to the binding out of two children to one Arent Phillis also the order cancelling the Indenture 
Said children were bound to one Arrington who claims to have orders from Col. Whittlesey Asst. Comr. giving him authority to take the children, thereby overruling the action of Lieut Penniman in cancelling the Indenture
Endst. of Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner. Respectfully referred to Lieut. Cox who will protect the within named Aunt Phillis in the possession of her children. Satisfactory evidence has been furnished that the Indenture binding said children to Arrington has been cancelled while the record appears of any action to the contrary taken by Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Comr. Respectfully referred to Lt. Cox Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. Tarboro with refference to the endorsement of the Asst. Commissioner.
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist
Raleigh Feb. 15th 1866. 

Granville Co. N.C. February 10th 1866
Greene W.S.
Makes statement in regard to the division of crop for last year on the plantation of his uncle Wm. A Greene
Endst. of Col. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner. Respectfully referred thro' Major Wiley Supt. Central District to Capt. Benjamin Evans Asst Supt Sub. Dist of Warren N.C. 
Respectfully referred to Capt. Evans Asst Supt &c. 
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb. 14th