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NARA 12 20 45. Evans Benjamin Capt. 28th Mich and Asst Supt. Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. Goldsboro Forwards Bills for rent of an office at Franklinton and one at Oxford N.C. from Oct. 8th 1865 to Dec. 4th 1865 and for both offices for the month of January 1866. Also for wood for use in these offices as Hd Qrs. of the Bureau in these Counties. Approved by Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Comr. Respectfully forwarded to Capt. Thos P. Johnston A.Q.M. and Asst. Financial Agent of the Bureau Aquila Wiley Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist. Raleigh Feb. 27th 1866 46. Wayne Co. Feb. 9th 1866 Aycock Wm H and Wm Flocks. E.B. p 12. to 25. Justices of Peace Wayne Co. Continuation of endorsements. Ends't. of the Asst. Commissioner Respectfully returned thro' Major Wiley Supt &c. No objection exists to the within case coming before the Civil Courts. Respectfully returned to Chaplain Geo O. Glavis Asst. Supt. Sub Dist. Goldsboro, whose attention is called to the endorsement of the Asst Commissioner. Aquila Wiley Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs Central Dist. Raleigh N.C. Feb. 27th 1866 47. Bureau of R F and A.L. Office Chief Q.M. Feb 26th 1866 Johnston Thos. P. Capt. and A.Q.M. Forwards memorandum receipts to Geo O Glavis Chap. U.S.A. and Asst. Supt. at Goldsboro to the amt. of $71.25 in triplicate Respectfully forwarded to Chaplain Geo O Glavis U.S.A. and Asst. Supt Sub. Dist. Goldsboro Aquila Wiley Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs. Central Dist. Raleigh N.C. Feb 28th 1866 48. Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist of Raleigh Raleigh Feb 28th 1866 Almy Geo C. Capt. U.S.V. and Asst. Supt. Forwards report of condition of buildings at Forestville N.C. Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner for N.C. Aquila Wiley Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. N.C. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist Raleigh N.C. Feb. 28th 1866 21 49. Hd Qrs Sub. Dist. Goldsboro Goldsboro Feb, 27th 1866 Glavis Geo O. Chap'n &c. Forwards Semi Monthly Report. Respectfully returned to Chaplain Geo. O. Glavis, for correction. The footing of columns of men, women, male's female children, dependents would make a total of 185 while the aggregate reported is 151. The aggregate number of dependents last report is stated to be 150 while the Semi-Monthly report on file at these Hd Qrs shows it to be 206. Aquila Wiley Maj 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central District Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist. Raleigh N.C. Feb. 28th 1866 50. Hd Qrs. Sub. Dist of Tarboro Rocky Mount Feb. 20th 1866 Cox Wm F. E.B. p 8. 15. 16. Lt. 20th V.R.C. and Asst. Supt. Continuation of endorsement Ends't. of Lieut Cox Asst Supt. Respectfully returend to Major Aquila Wiley 8th VRC and Supt. Central District N.C. with a new Indenture. 51. Hd Qrs. Asst Supt. Sub Dist Orange Hillsboro N.C. Feb. 20th 1866 Crockett Wm. H. Lieut and Asst. Supt. Forwards statement of facts in the case of Joseph Harewood charged with changing a one dollar Treasury Note into a twenty by pasting the figures and letters from a Confederate 20 on the Treasury Note. Respectfully forwarded for the information of the Asst. Comr. En theder that the man may be brought to trial before a Military Comt. if the evidence is deemed sufficient to secure conviction. The offence not being one in which offices of the Bureau have jurisdiction. Aquila Wiley Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist. Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist. Raleigh N.C. Feb 21st 1866. Endorsement of Genl Ruger Comdg Dept. Respectfully returned to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Comr. If Joseph Harwood has made good the sum passed by him on the Freedman it is a case for the Civil Authorities and the Judge of the Court of that District should be notified. If he has not made good the sum of bad money passed on Freedman he should be tried and made to pay it Ends't of Col. E Whittlesey Asst. Com. Respectfully referred thro' Major Wiley Supt &c. to Lieut W.H. Crocket Asst Supt Sub. Dist. Orange with reference to the endsm't of Major Genl. Ruger Comd'g Dept of N.C. These papers to be returned with report of action (over)
Transcription Notes:
changed "Clavis" to "Glavis"
rearranged in letter format