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[[left margin ]] May 28 [[/left margin ]]

States that (Hinton) son of Josiah Curtiss was bound to Mrs. Bittra Kittrell without his consent. Asks for instructions.

Endorsement of Capt. Benjamin Evans  Respectfully returned to Bvt. Col A.G. Brady Supt Central Dist. with the the information that Hinton Kittrell that was indentured to Bittra Kittrell was done in open court and the facts set forth was that the said boy was an orphan. Since the making of the Indenture the boy has been claimed by Josiah Curtiss as his son and that said Josiah Curtiss has not claimed him since the surrender of Johnstons Army till after the making of the Indenture. I am not in possession of any evidence that he is the father of the boy hence I am unable to decide that point and further that all Indentures were made in open court and the Indentures were all made upon the evidence then and there presented in open court.
Respectfully returned to Capt. Jones Asst.-Supt. Sub-Dist. Granville N.C. whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Capt Evans. Investigate this carefully and if you become satisfied that this man (Josiah Curtiss) is the real father of the boy (Hinton) and that he did not desert and neglect his son until now grown up and capable of being of service to him and if bound out in Violation of existing orders and circulars, cause the Indentures to be canceled, otherwise to remain in force
A.G. Brady
Bvt. Col. and Supt.
Office Bu. R.F. and A.L. for N.C.
Central District May. 28th 1866 

[[left margin ]] 83 94.97 May 21 [[/left margin]]
Curren, J.F.
Capt. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs. Sub-Dist. Johnston
Smithfield May 21st 1866

Requests advice in relation to children who are bound but whose parents were free.

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Major Genl. Ruger Asst. Commissioner for instructions
Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A. Lands N.C.
Central District Raleigh May 28 1866
A.G. Brady
Bvt. Col and Supt.


[[left margin]] 38/86 [[/left margin]]
Glavis, Geo. O. 
Chaplain and Asst. Supt. 
Hd. Qrs. Sub-Dist. Goldsboro
Goldsboro N.C. Mar 27 1866

Encloses vouchers for expenses incurred in making tours of inspection through his Sub Dist.
Endorsement of Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner 
Respectfully forwarded to Major Genl. Howard. The Sub-District of Chaplain Glavis consists of four counties. I have required him to visit each County as often as his presence is required. It is manifestly impossible to send him a Special Order in each specific case without causing ruinous delay. Instructions from the Q.M. Genl. are requested on this subject.

Endorsement of Genl. Howard.
Respectfully forwarded to the Q.M. General for his decision  The Commissioner is of opinion that this Officer is entitled to actual cost of transportation in pursuance of G.O. 138 A.G.O. dated Sept. 16/65  Brief of Letter from Q.M. Genl. "Under Genl Order No 138 War Dept. Sept. 16 1865 such accounts are a proper charge against the appropriation for the Quarter Masters Dpt. when transportation has not been furnished by said Department. In this case the order for the movement directed that transportation should be so furnished and therefore, before the account is allowed it should be satisfactorily shown that the claimant, applied for and could not obtain the necessary transportation from the Q.M. Dept."

Endst of Genl. Howard Dated May 19 1866  Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Genl. E. Whittlesey Asst. Commr. whose attention is invited to the within letter of the Quarter Master General.
Ends't of Genl. Ruger Asst. Commissioner dated May 23 1866 
Respectfully referred to Col. M.C. Garber Chief Q.M. Dept. of N.C. for his information with the request that these papers be returned to this office for transmittal to Chaplain Glavis U.S.A.

Endst. of Genl. Ruger Asst Commr. dated May 26th 1866
Respectfully returned to Bvt. Col A.G. Brady Supt. Central Dist whose attention is invited to the enclosed letter from the Quarter Master Genl. U.S.A.