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No 4 State Street Boston Mass.
June 18th 1866
Bell, Jas B
Notary Public and Commissioner
Wishes information concerning Atlas Skinner (colored) who when last heard from was in the employ of N. Thomas Louisburg N.C.
June 23
Endorsement of the Asst. Commr. dated June 22 1866.
Respectfully referred to Bvt. Col. A.G. Bready for a report from Capt. Hay. This to be returned.
Respectfully referred to Capt. Thos H Hay for a report This paper to be returned
By order of 
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt
Office Supt. Bu RF and AL
Central Dist. Raleigh N.C.
June 22d 1866

McAlpine T.D.
Lieut. and Asst. Supt
Hd. Qrs. Dist. Raleigh
Raleigh N.C. June 21 1866
Requests that the enclosed papers be acted upon and that Madison Sprewel (Freedman) be brought before this Court for trial
Ends't of Asst. Comr. dated June 22, 1866
Respectfully returned  This is a case for the action of the Civil Courts Application should be made to the proper Civil Authorities
Respectfully returned. Attention called to Endorsement of Asst. Commissioner. 
By order of 
A.G. Brady 
Bvt. Col and Supt
Office Supt. Bu RF and AL
Central Dist. Raleigh N.C.
June 23d 1866

Mayfield Wesley Freedman 
Hd. Qrs. Sub-Dist. Granville May 14 1866
Makes statement in regard to his nephew. Endorsement of Capt. Jones dated June 21 1866
Respectfully returned, No action has been taken

in this within case; From the statement of Wesley Mayfield (Freedman) I find the boy Wesley Drake has no parents living. His Step Father gave him to Mayfield (Freedman) His action was approved by Lieut. Vance. The boy lived with Mayfield and was fed, clothed &c by him until Mar. 1866 at which time Joseph Drake had the boy bound to him without the knowledge of the boy. In my opinion the boy was illegally bound from the fact that he was not brought before the Officer of this Bureau at the time he was apprenticed
Respectfully returned as the boy has no parents, if his family wish to reclaim him they must apply to the Civil Courts.
By order of
A G Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt
Office Supt Bu R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh N.C.
June 23d 1866

Brady, A.G.
Bvt. Col and Supt
Hd. Qrs. Central District N.C.
June 11 1866 Raleigh NC
Forwards Voucher for 1 bale of Hay 240 lbs @$1.90= = $456. given by Major Stickney to Mr. S. Hargell
Endorsement of Bvt. Maj Genl. Ruger dated June 13th 1866, Respectfully referred to Col. Garber Chief Q.M. to know whether - if these accts were paid without its stating by what authority or for what purpose the hay was bought - the papers would pass the authorities at Washington
Endorsement of Col Garber Chief Q.M. dated June 18th 1866 Respectfully returned to Col C A Cilley with the information that each account of expenditure should set only a sufficient explanation of the object, necessity and propriety of the expenditure as required by Revised Regulations. The approval of the Bvt. Major Genl. Commanding and Asst. Commr. Bu R.F. and A.L. would probably

Transcription Notes:
A.G. Bready -- transcribed as shown on documents -- some show "Brady"