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any property purchased by me will render me responsible for any accountability which may arise from purchasing and using necessary property 
Goldsboro' June 29th 1866. [[Signed]] Jas W.H Stickney
Major V.R.C. and Asst Supt

Respectfully forwarded. Attention invited to endorsement of Major Stickney
Central District Raleigh
June 30th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt Col. and Superintendent

Porter Isaac
2nd. Lieut and Asst. Supt.
Hd Qrs Sub Dist-Orange and Alamance
Hillsboro' June 21st, 1866
Forwards proceedings in case of Moses Curtis (Free Man) versus H.H. Morton.
Respectfully returned. This Bureau has jurisdiction only in cases of Freedman and Refugees. Not in cases of Free persons of Color, or in other words, we have no jurisdiction over Colored persons who were Free before the War. In all such cases let the Civil authorities adjudicate these Suits and transactions provided the testimony of colored persons is admitted.
Central District Raleigh, N.C.
June 30th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt Col. and Superintendent

Boyd R.J. Ja. (citizen)
Littleton N.C. June 27th 1866
Writes in relation to an order received from Lieut Foote canceling certain Indentures and refuses to give up children named Archie, Clara and Brinell unless the order is general.
Respectfully referred to Col. A.G. Brady for whom this letter seems to be intended.
Raleigh N.C. June 28th, 1866.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen Robinson
Clinton A. Cilley Bvt Col and A.A.G.
Respectfully referred to Lieut Foote Asst-Supt. Sub Dist of Weldon. If the colored children mentioned by R.J. Boyd Jr. in the enclosed letter from him have been Indentured without the consent of their Parents (Mother) and in violation of 



existing Circulars and Orders; the Indentures will be canceled and the Children restored to their Parents (Mother) and if force is necessary it will be used notwithstanding the threat of the writer of this letter. Officers of the Bureau are not to be bullied in this way in violation of all laws. The writer of the enclosed letter had better submit to having the children restored to their parents peacibly if bound out without proper authority for, most assuredly, force will be used if they are not  These papers to be returned with report.
Central District Raleigh N.C.
June 30th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt.

Stickney J.W.H.
Major V.R.C. and Asst Supt.
Goldsboro June 7 1866
Requests information relative to the Govt Farm and states that Mr Granger has been finding the hands and the aged colored people.
June 30
Respectfully forwarded to Col C A Cilley A.A.G. for the action of Maj Genl Robinson Asst. Com. This farm was hired on the part of the Government by Chap Glavis late Asst. Supt. Sub-Dist. of Goldsboro. It seems that the Contract on the part of the Government has not been fulfilled. Application was made by Mr. Granger May 31st 1866, to have the Contract canceled on the account of not having been fulfilled on the part of Government. Said application was endorsed by Major Stickney Asst Supt Sub-Dist. of Goldsboro and was forwarded from these Hd. Qrs. for instructions June 4th 1866. Since which time nothing has been heard from it. It seems necessary that some action should be taken in this matter.
I would recommend that the Farm should be abandoned by the Government.
Central District Raleigh N.C.
June 29th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt.