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Respectfully referred to Col A. G. Brady Supt Central District No.Ca. for investigation and report
By order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Robinson
(signed) Clinton A. Cilley
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner NC
Raleigh N.C June 22d 1866

Respectfully returned to Col. C.A. Cilley A.A.G. In compliance with your endorsement of the 22d ult I proceeded to Wilson on the 23d ult and continued there until the 26th ult investigating the charges made against an officer of the Bureau in the Sub District of Goldsboro in the within "Anonymous" communication to the War Dept. I find that sometime in Feb 1866 Chaplain Glavis sent Clothing and Blankets to J J Lutts an Hotel-keeper at Wilson, to be sold at Auction and private sale. This Clothing I am told was sent to Chaplain Glavis by the National Freedmens Aid Society of New York for distribution and sale to Freedmen in his Sub Dist.  According to the Invoices sent said Lutts by Chaplain Glavis the value of the Clothing amounted to $273.20 besides the Blankets marked U.S.  The Invoices of Clothing I enclose herewith marked A-B-C and E - together with copy of a private letter from Chaplain Glavis to Lutts in relation to this Clothing and the money it sold for. marked -D- together with a true copy of the testimony taken during the investigation.
The cash sales for Blankets and Clothing are $111.90 charged on his (Lutt's) books for Blankets and Clothing sold $42.25 making total sales $154.15 which amt said Lutts placed to credit of Chaplain Glavis and charged him as follows Viz
[[5 column table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Fr Cash |   |   |   | $76.00 |
| Eggs |  |   |   |   | $16.00 |
| Smoking Pipe | $15.00 |
| Tobacco | $1.50 | Turkey | $2.00 | $17.00 |
| Chairs | $3.50 | Boots | $10.00 | $13.50 |
| Turkey | $2.00 |
| Brandy |  |   |   |   | $10.00 |
| Board of Wife Child and Servant |  |   |   |   | $25.00 |
| Board of himself Wife and Child |  |   |   |   | $9.00 |
| Express package | 50ยข | Chickens | $`.75 |
|   |   |    |    | $170.90 |

[[2 column table]]
| --- | --- |
|   | $170.90 |
| Deduct Sales of Clothing and Blankets | $154.15 |
| Balance due Lutts from Glavis | $16.75 |

I find in possession of Mr. Lutts, who I found had no disposition to conceal the fact, 25 Shirts, 17 Sheets, 38 Jackets and 6 prs. of Blankets, which I directed him to hold subject to the order of Major Stickney Asst. Supt Sub-Dist of Goldsboro. My own order, or that of a superior officer of the Bureau.

I further found that $45.00 was collected for fines imposed by Chapl. Glavis at three different times thro' a member of the Local Police of Wilson Co whose name is H D Patton and who was detailed by the Capt. of said Local Police for this purpose. I also found that this man Patton was allowed to collect in addition to the judgment and fines imposed by Chaplain Glavis Ten dollars in each case for his services.
Attention is invited to the testimony of Mr. Thomas Hadley a citizen of Wilson Co who complains that he was compelled to pay $90.00 unjustly without fair trial and that instead of paying said $90.00 to the complainant "Gilly" a colored woman. She received only $40.00 while $50.00 was retained by the officer Mr. Patton. Patton testifies that he kept $25.00 for his services by order of Chapl Glavis and paid $65.00 to the colored woman "Gilly" This $90.00 was rendered against Mr. Hadley for money supposed to be due this woman "Gilly" - not a fine. 
Respectfully Submitted
A G Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt
Office Supt Bu R.F. and A.L.
Central District Raleigh N.C.
July 3d 1866

Stickney Jas W.H.
Major V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs Sub Dist. Goldsboro
Goldsboro NC June 27 1866
[[left margin]]123 / 144, 152 [[/left margin]]
Requests information relative to the Govt. Farm &c. Respectfully returned to know how many destitute Freed people are now supported on this Farm or living on it.

Transcription Notes:
9/28/2021: "ult" meaning ultimate or last. 9/28/2021: Transcribed the table as two columns rather than 3 or 6 columns as had been initially transcribed.