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Hd Qrs Sub-District of Raleigh
Raleigh N.C. Aug 2d 1866

McAlpine T.D.
Lieut V.R.C. and Asst Supt

Requests information in regard to the construction of Special Orders No 3 dated Hd Qrs Asst Commr N.C.

Respectfully referred to Col. C.A. Cilley A.A. Genl. for the information requested by Lieut McAlpine. There is not one tenth part of the contracts made with freedmen in this Dist. witnessed by officers of the Bureau and unless the officers are allowed to adjudicate all claims for wages due under contract for shares of crops whether the contracts are witnessed by officers of the Bureau or not, the freedmen will be subjected to great delay and suffering
A G Bready
Bvt Col and Supt
Office Supt. Bur R.F. and A.L.
Central District
Aug 3d 1866

Rocky Mount July 31" 1866

Allison J.F.
Lieut V.R.C. and Asst Supt

Requests information in regard to the Report of Rations required at the Office of Central Dist. States that the office is without such information. Also requests information whether he is to comply with letter from Hd Qrs Central Dist. directing him to investigate the case of Mary Johnston (colored) or turn the case over to the Civil Courts Asks if Asst Supts one still allowed to settle disputes in regard to the disposition of freedmens children where the parents refuse to marry.

Respectfully returned In reply to your first question, Would say, unless you issue rations you will not be required to make the report called for. In answer to your 2d would say comply with my letter of the 23rd ult which is sufficient authority for you to act in accordance with the instructions contained in said letter. I am


responsible for all written orders from myself to Asst Supts of my District and in answer to your 3d question, I say emphatically, No! [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] for full instructions in such cases your attention is called to Circular No. 2 dated Hd. Qrs. Asst Commr Raleigh N.C. March 21st 1866, Par 7 of said Circular points out the mode of instructing freedmen on this important subject.
A.G. Bready 
Bvt. Col. and Supt 
Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh
Aug 3d 1866

Bu R F and A L Mecklenburg Co
Clarksville Va July 30th 1866

Cullen Robt. 
Lieut and Asst Supt.

States that Abram Pulmer reported that his wife had gone to Oxford with one Burrill Davenport, to live with him.
Requests that both Davenport and the woman Amanda be arrested and sent to Clarkeville.

Respectfully returned, this is not a case for action by the Asst Commr. Hd Qrs Asst. Comr. 
By comd of Maj Genl Robinson
Clinton A. Cilley
Hd Qrs Asst Comr
Aug 2d 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt. W.W. Jones Asst Supt 
Sub-Dist Granville. Attention invited to endorsements
A.G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt
Office Supt. Bu R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist Raleigh.  
Aug 3rd 1866

Ringwood N.C. June 8th 1866

Arrington L. citizen

Makes a statement in relation to the children of Susan Harper.

Respectfully returned to Col. Brady Supt Central Dist. I have investigated this case as directed to find that the woman is able to take care of the children. I have ordered that they be returned to her. The case was never

Transcription Notes:
rearranged in letter format