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all unlawful acts of officers of the Bureau will be annuled, and revoked and who will cancel all Indentures of colored children in accordance with the instructions received from these Hd. Qrs. Viz: "If bound out in violation of existing Orders and Circulars and without the consent of the Mother, the Indenture will be canceled (or children) restored to the mother"
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt.
Office Supt Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central District Raleigh
Aug 24th 1866

Washington D.C.
August 4" 1866

Meigs M.C.
Quartermaster General. U.S.A. 
Reports the occupation of the Haywood and [[Grides? Grider?]] house by United States authorities. Also Governors palace. Recomends that Dr Haywood be paid a fair compensation for rent of his building.

Returned to the Quartermaster General with approval of his recommendation for the payment of rent, at a reasonable rate, from the 2nd of April 1866
Signed Edwin M. Stanton
Secretary of War.
War Dept Aug 16" 1866.

Freedmen's Bureau Report
Refered to the Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, for report as to the property said to be under the control of his bureau.
By Order of
the Secretary of War
L.H. Pelouze [[?]]
War Dept.
Aug 20th 1866.

Respectfully refered to Brev. Maj. Genl J.C. Robinson Asst Comsnr. &c Raleigh NC for speedy report.
By order of
Maj. Genl O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c 
Wm Fowler.
Asst Adj Gen.
War Dept
Bu R.F. and A.L.
Washington Aug 21" 1866 

Respectfully refered to Bvt. Col. A.G. Brady Supt. Central Dist. N.C. for investigation and report as ordered by the Secy of War. If the house is in the condition reported, immediate steps should be taken to put it in a cleanly condition. 
By comd of Bvt. Maj. Genl Robinson
Clinton. A Cilley
A. A. G
Hd. Qrs Asst. Comr N.C. 
Raleigh Aug 23rd 1866.

Respectfully returned - The building refered to within, called the "Grider House" better known as the "Guion Hotel" a part of which is occupied by the Bureau for offices, School rooms and Dispensary, is a miserable, dilapidated, old concern, unfit to be occupied for Bureau purposes. The roof is bad, and most of the windows and doors are out by reason of which it is difficult to keep unauthorized persons from entering, and making it a nightly resort for all kinds of Polution. The building is tolerable clean at present, but very unhealthy, the officers of the Bureau find it difficult to keep it clean without the aid of a strong guard to keep out filthy persons who enter and make use of it as a night sink - I would recommend that the building be given up on condition that the owners will fumigate or pull it down and that offices, schoolrooms, and a room for a dispensary by furnished instead, in a more healthy and respectable part of the city. 
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col. and Supt.
Office Supt Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central District Raleigh N.C. 
Aug 24th 1866

Respectfully returned. Col Brady will at once take measures to prevent the occurrence of any of the evils mentioned in his endorsement - and will be held responsible for the proper cleanliness and condition of the 'Guion' House in future. It is presumed that he will need additional force to do this in which case he will please call on these Hd. Qrs. Viz for it.
By com'd of Bvt. Maj Genl Robinson
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.
Hd. Qrs Asst Com'r
Raleigh Aug 27th 1866