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NARA 128

report the facts
Office Supt. of Education
B.R.F & A.L. Raleigh NC
sgd F.A. Fiske
Oct 29" 1866
Supt. of Education B.R.F & A.L.

Respectfully referred to Lt. Foote for investigation and report. This paper to be returned.
Office Supt. Cen. Dist. B.R.F & A.L.
A.G. Bready
Raleigh N.C: Oct 30" 1866
Bvt Col. and Supt

Andrews v John. L.
Roxabel N.C.
Oct 23" 1866

13. Vol 2 
Desires to know if he is entitled to the services of two colored girls, who were apprenticed to him in January last, by one Col Watts, who represented himself as Agent of the Bureau for that Dist. - One of the girls whose mother was opposed to her being indentured, has run away, and Lieut Foote, Agent &c at Halifax, has ordered that she be released from her indentures &c

Respectfully refered to Bvt. Major Genl J.C. Robinson Assistant Commissioner for North Carolina for report

War Department B.R.F. & A.L.     By order of
Washington Oct 27" 1866          Maj. Genl Howard 
                                 Stephen Eldridge
                                 A.A.A. General.

Respectfully refered to Bvt. Col. A. G. Bready Supt. Gen. Dist. for investigation & report

Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner N.C.      By order of Maj Genl Robinson

Raleigh Oct 29" 1866                Jacob. F. Chus
                                   Capt and A.A.A. General

Respectfully refered to Lieut. Jno M. Foote Asst. Supt. Sub-Dist. Weldon N.C. for investigation and report.  These papers to be returned-

Office Supt. Gen. Dist
B.R. F. & A. L Raleigh N.C. 
Oct. 29" 1866

A. C. Bready
Bvt. Col & Superintendent

Bready A. C. 
Bvt Col. and Supt
30 day.

Office Supt Central District
Raleigh N. C. Nov 3" 1866
Application for leave of absence for

Porter Isaac
Office Asst. Supt.
Lieut V. R. C. and Asst Supt.
Sub Dist. Orange N.C.
Hillsboro Nov 1" 1866

[footnote] Request an order to cover actual cost of transportation from Hillsboro to Roxboro.  Person Co. N. C. on business connected with his Sub-Dist.
Respectfully forwarded-Approved. It is very necessary for this officer to proceed to Roxboro [[?]] [[?]]. N.C to attend the court in that county to watch the progress of the trial of S. H. Card (white) for the murder of Harrison Jameson (freedman) as per instructions of Maj Gen Ruger late asst. coms.
Office Supt Central Dist
B.R.F and A.L. Raleigh N.C.
Nov 2 1811
A.C. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt

Wolff Charles
Capt B.R.C. and asst. Supt
Office Sub Dist. Alamance
Graham N.C. Nov 1 1811
Requests a leave of absence for 11. hours to go to Raleigh on private business. Respectfully returned to Caph
Charles Wolff- Approved.
Office Supt. Cen Dist.
B.R.F. and A.L Raleigh N.C
Nov 2 1811
A.C. Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt

Hyman Jon (F.B.S)
--- Colored
Warrenton N.C.
Oct 31 1811
States that he received a letter from Capt Hay a day or two since stating that Dr. Browns wife had been employed to teach school at Warrenton. That it was a mistake. That they are waiting for the teacher proposed by Capt Hay. That a meeting of our friends and the society had been called and they all say "send us the teacher at once - send him immediately"
Respectfully forwarded to Revd FA. Fiske Supt of education B.R.F. and A.L Raleigh N.C. through Bvt Col. Bready Supt. Cen Dist for the information of Mr. Fiske Reo Mr Miller agent for Presbyterrian schools in N.C. understood from I.H. Crawford (col teacher at this place) that D. Brown

[Footnote] the order furnished Nov 3rd 1811 [footnote]