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NARA 129

(Colored Lecturer) had made arrangements for his (Browns) wife to teach in Warrenton. It is respectfully recommended that the request for a teacher within urged should be granted with as little delay as possible
sgd Thos. H. Hay
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt
Sub Dist Warren
Franklinton NC Nov 2" 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Rev F.A. Fiske
Supt Education B.R.F and A.L. No. Ca.
Office Supt Cen. Dist
B.R.F and A.L. Raleigh N.C.
Nov 2" 1866

A.G. Bready 
Bvt. Col and Supt

Martin ✓ S.W. Mayor of Franklinton
238. Franklinton NC.
Oct 5" 1966

[[?]] attention of Capt Hay and others to the frequency of the meetings help by Rev Mc Crawford colored teacher at this place.
Respectfully refused to the Asst Com B.R.F and A.L. with request for an order to investigate the within case if in his frequent such action seem expedient. 
Office Supt Education 
B.R.F and A.L. for N.C.
Raleigh Oct 16"1866

sgd .FA. Fiske
Supt. of Education 

Respectfully returned to Rev F.A. Fiske Supt. Education with orders in the premises.
Bureau of R.F and A.L.
Hd Qrs Asst Com.
Raleigh Oct 16" 1866

By order Col Bomford 
Jacob F. Chur
Capt A.A.A.G.

Respectfully returned to Col A.G. Bready Supt. Freedmen Central District. By order of the Asst. Comr I went to Franklinton on the 18" inst. and investogated, in accordance with your reccommendation, the within case of complaint against Jas H. Crawford, teacher. 
The results of the investigation were, according to report sent to the Asst. Comr on the 22" inst. as follows - 1 No charge sustained nor indeed directly made against the character or general deportment of Mr C. - 2 No charge sustained against his administration as school teacher 3. No evidence that Mr Crawford had any personal responsibility directly or indirectly, in connection

with the evils complained of by the petitioners, nor that his removal would rectify those evils. - but that on the other hand he has been discharging his legitimate duties as a teacher with fidelity and success. Hence, as a result, the conviction that the removal of Mr C. would be "unjust to him" (M C.) - "injurious to the educational intrests of the Freedmen in F" - and an insufficient remedy for the evils complained of by the petitioners"

Office Supt. of Education 
B.R.F and A.L. NC
Raleigh Oct 27" 1866

"sgd" F.A. Fiske
Supt of Education

McAlpine ✓ T.D. 
Lieut V.R.C and Asst. Supt.

Office Asst. Supt.
Sub Dist. Raleigh N.C.
Nov 2" 1866

4 - Vol 2.

Requests that transportation be furnished Adaline Moore (col) and, two children from this city to Portmouth Va. Adaline Moore age (35) years (her son) Nathan Moore age (3) years (her daughter) age (5) years. This woman is entirely disabled by sickness from earning the means to take her to Portsmouth Va. She was brought here during the war to prevent her from being emancipated by the U.S. forces. Her Father and relatives are living in Portsmouth and are willing to provide for her. 
Respectfully returned to Lt. T.D. McAlpine for the information required in the 4th Par. of Circular: Dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. Raleigh N.C. Nov 1st 1866.

Office Supt Central District
B.R.F and A.L. Raleigh N.C.
Nov 3" 1866

A.G. Bready 
Bvt Col. and Supt.

Hyman ✓ Jno (F.B.S.)
253. Colored 

Warrenton N.C.
Oct 31st 1866

States that he received a letter from Capt Hay a day or two or since, stating that Dr Browns wife had been employed to teach school at Warrenton -

Respectfully returned to Major Hay Asst Supt. Sub-Dist. Warren through Col A.G. Brady Supt. Central Dist. B.R.F and A.L. with the information, that negotiations