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August 28-31, 1950

Monday, August 28, 1950

Registration: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 M.

Afternoon Session

1:30 P.M.

Justice N. B. Johnsen, President of the National Congress of American Indians announced that the 7th Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians is now in session.

Invocation by Ben Porter

"Our Heavenly Father, we kindly thank You for all good things. We are assembled here in this meeting; we know that Thou art the living God. We know that we are Thy children, therefore we are looking up to Thee for our guidance. We ask your blessing on whatever problems come before us. We have our trust in Thee. Bless each one here that we may have health and courage and that we may see the means of the problems confronting us today. We are here from great distances and near, and we are here with different languages, but Thou knowest all languages. Make us as one under one God, one country and one name. And Father, bless each one of us with wisdom and knowledge. Bless the officers of this organization. Give them health and strength and courage. Go with each and every one of us. All these things we ask in Thy name. AMEN."

JUDGE JOHNSON: I want to present to this Convention an outstanding man of this Northwest Area, a man who is very much interested in Indian affairs and who has given much of his time. He is the Second Vice-President of the National Congress of American Indians, also Vice-Chairman of the Governors' Interstate Indian Council. He is the Governor's appointee and representative of the State of Washington on the Interstate Council. I want to introduce Mr. Frank George.
