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(Personal) Dec. 2, 1892.
My dear Mr. Clark:
I have your valued letter of the 30th ult. returning
temporary receipt of the Michigan-Peninsular Car Co. No. 1113 for 50 shares, and note your pleasure in the matter. We of course are entirely willing to adjust the $2,000.00 in any way most satisfactory to you. If you wish longer time on it, Mr. Hecker and I will gladly grant it. On the other hand, if you think it better to retain only $3,000.00 of the stock, why that is entirely and altogether satisfactory to us. It would be better for you however to send the temporary receipt, which I return herein, direct to the N. Y. Guaranty & Indemnity Co., 59 Cedar St., New York, and request them to send you in exchange one certificate of stock for thirty shares to your own order and one additional certificate of stock for 20 shares to the order of Frank J. Hecker and Charles L. Freer. After you have received these certificates, you can send ours to me. 
A dividend of 2% has been declared for the first quarter,
which was payable yesterday, but as your receipt has not been exchanged for stock, I presume no check will reach you until after the transfer as above indicated has been made.
With kindest regards,
Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer 

Mr. C. A. Clark, 
Ass't Treas'r, Northern Pac. R. R. Co.,
St. Paul, Minn.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-14 06:12:49 removed hard returns and [[signature]] added page number