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December 30, 1892.
Mr. F. N. Saunders,
St. Paul, Minn.
My dear Sir: 
I saw Mr. Doyle this morning and spoke to him about the
California claret. His address is, J. J. Doyle, % Eugene Kelley
& Co., 45 Exchange Place, New York City.
He says that if you order the claret in the name of the
Minnesota Club, the price will be lower than if ordered individually.
He has found it to his advantage to receive club orders as
the majority of his customers are club members and after his
goods are known at clubs, he hopes to dispose of practically
all he makes through such channels.
I trust that you have reached St. Paul in safety and
that you will enjoy a very happy New Year.
Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer [[signature]]
[handwritten] Mr Doyle desires me to say that he
Appreciates your interest in his
welfare very much. [/handwritten]