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D. W. T., - #2. 
C. L. F., - 8/3/92.


a temporary certificate mailed you, and when the engraved certificates are ready, the proper change can be made.

As the settlement for your stock will have to be made with me, you need not pay any cash therefor. Let it be credited to my account with you for the paintings you are making for my hall.

Of course, it is optional with you to receive from me either cash or the stock, and the amount of stock you take, if any, is, of course, also optional with you.

By this I wish you to feel that the choice should be made by yourself. I have every reason to believe that this stock will pay dividends at rate of 8% per annum regularly, unless some calamity should occur.

Both Church and I were delightfully entertained at South Dartmouth and shall long retain a most pleasant memory of the kindly hospitality of yourself and Mrs. Tryon. We appreciate your kindness most sincerely, and shall hope for an opportunity to reciprocate.

With cordial greetings to yourself and Mrs. Tryon, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. D. W. Tryon,
South Dartmouth, Mass.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-20 14:35:28