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B.R.F. and A.L.
Office Ag't Dav. Co. 
Nashville, March 18th 1867.

Lt. S.W. Groesbeck 
A A Genl
Sir - I have the honor respectfully to inform you that I have forwarded from this office to various departments for collection during the month of February the following claims:-
Engineer claims for heirs  20
Back Pay and Bounty  28
Engineer claims for persons living  80

All these were forwarded from this office except 8. We have collected 64.

Bounty claims, it seems, will not be paid at present. We have a large number in which we have heard from as being without objection.

Many pension claims have been suspended in order to procure a surgeon's certificate, - a think next to impossible in colored regiments owing to the fact that the surgions of those regiments live in the North, and cannot readily be found.

We have commenced forwarding claims of widows and others, heirs of persons who worked in Government fortifications, and have since died, and have met with encouraging success. We forward these claims directly to the Chief Eng. U.S.A.