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concepts - that is by intuition. The unexplainable surprise, the joy & purity that arise from coming close to the core of beauty, soothes the human mind & stimulates the development of the human spirit. In the consideration of beauty, feelings should always come first, with the use of the intellect following. It is the function of the intellect to transform the passive impression into active thought. For me, knowledge that is not backed by intuition is empty.

For several years now. I have had this ongoing, intense, interest in American folk & naive [[native]] art and the wealth of freshness beauty & power of form that they provide. Along with [[strikethrough]] the knowledge and exposure to the [[/strikethrough]] feelings & thoughts [[strikethrough]] concerning [[/strikethrough]] about (contact with) mainstream movements that have occured in the world of art, I feel that contemporary  [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] art students & artists can acquire surprising & valuable understanding insights if provided exposure