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- Nothing is more discouraging than to see so many schools where the pupils servilely imitate their master. Nothing is more antiartistic than such an attitude. For whether one copies the master or copies nature, one is then a machine, empty of self expression - characterless. the opposite of an artist-

- If you are at all an artist, you have to expect never to be completely satisfied with your work. You may name your picture, like the poem of Max Jacob, "Poem which I wrote instead of the one I should have liked to write"

- Demand something from your hearts, brains, emotions, tastes, instincts, eyes, hands & arms -
- We are thinking animals - thinking with our hands, our spirit - our passion - discovering our inner selves - beyond the "pretty" dermis

- Painting from memory creates between the painter & nature a certain silence which permits him to hear her voice more clearly. - He remembers only those aspects which strike him forcibly. - There are some fleeting moments which it would be impossible to "catch" in any other way.

- "What is a picture after all? -
"a picture in a flat surface covered with colors in a certain order assembled. -

- True originality is not artificial, abnormal, archaic - It comes from a natural flow of feeling.... Man has to think & feel spontaneously - as the flowers bloom & the birds sings. - -

- aesthetic design is born of necessity - not the necessity of being new & original in spite of everything, but the necessity of telling a truth -

- Consciously or subconsciously, great artists have self-knowledge & they realize their creations as their own resemblance - It would have been ridiculous for Renoir to paint religious scenes, or for Chardin to paint the carnage of battle. Cezanne, who was quite a religious man, painted apples, but with how much piety! And it is undoubtedly with the true sentiment of the value of art that he went to paint on the day of his mother's funeral, saying "Let the dead bury the dead"