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a dress suit in honor of the occasion and, according to Mary, Uncle Jule is in for one. This, coupled with the fact that my girl seems to be regarded as very useful to her family has caused my visit to Wheeling to appear in the light of havoc and disaster.

Tell Aunt Em that Annie Pompeys Sid and I to the extreme - and that Net is the greatest animal on earth. 

And tell her she had better stay on at the sea shore and repair fully for the fall campaign.

Played whist with Mrs Arnett and have made one hundred and fifty thousand calls. In the day time I have two landscapes underway. Give my regard to Helen and Mary and explain that the reason no invitations are sent is because the ceremony is to be quiet and not in church.

Your son, 

Transcription Notes:
one words missing - last paragraph Added that word (quiet) also added a question of a word in the first paragraph, I believe it to be wheeling.