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This is his preface.  I thought it might interest you to know how a foreigner looked at the matter.

It seems to me he is writing, in his preface, to allopathic Dr's and the last of it seems to take the tone of "come in out of the rain" but it seems pretty well written.

Effie says tell Ed that Dr. Landry back him up in his treatment of cholera adding a few other remedies to his three special ones.

At the first scare symptoms cupram and veratrum-alternate days-  If cholera for sure - then acidium phosphori - against diarrhea - then camphora against the cold period - then arsenic in the most accentuated cases when the skin is slimy - then carbo vegetabilis when the patient commences to asphyxiate.  

One can here again consult cupram and veratrim of which we have spoken before.  Use besides all the means at hand to heat the patent externally - friction with camphor - heated cloths almost burning - hot bricks: bags of burning sand.  Hot drinks at this time.  In the reaction one uses "aconil" (misprint?) which is always of use when the blood does not circulate properly.  Belladonna, Opium and Pulsatilla are three medicines which one will consult with first at this period".

This is quite full in the book but I have condensed.  Effie translated one symptom as "unhappiness in the abdomen" and "horripilation" in the same region.

We are thinking of taking a copy of the "Envoy" down to the pharmacy where I got the medicine.

I got another cold and the accompanying cough- but find it is getting all right without medicine.

I had a letter from Aunt Mary and one from Uncle Jule - they liked the little water color of grand mother very much.  I will tell Mary to send you the amount of my bill $25.00

I thought Will Bryant was going to send you the rest of my account or I would have written to him - but as he wrote to you I will get you to write instead.

I expect to make a portrait of Mrs Spiedel while here - and that