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have so few, the absence of three or four makes a great difference. And last night the town was torn up over foot ball and the return of the old bell.
The colored woman I have been working from is rather intelligent as a model but she is so short and ungracefull as to be rather difficult to turn to account. I would like to make a series of darky pictures and have been hunting around for some pretty old bandannas even going so far as to investigate Wanamaker's stock but without avail.
Pitts stinks we out to have gone to Summer's

Point N.J. instead of to Holly Beach. But Summers Point is not directly on the ocean. and that I feel is an objection to all of us. There is a charm about the clear ocean surf that no place can have that is behind out lying land. 

Pitts thinks I can do no out door work on account of mosquitose. but he does not know I have been in a worse mosquitoe country than H.B. 

When you have once accepted the mosquitoes as inevitable you can fit yourself to circumstances in a remarkable manner. 
I will see what can be done about the wrecked