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"In Memoriam" 
To the Editor of "The Press."
Sir:--I enclose herewith a poem on Thomas P. Anshutz entitled "In Memoriam."
Bryn Athyn, Pa., June 18, 1912. 

Thomas P. Anshutz
The Master's hand is stayed, O Friend; 
Let every artist drop the brush, 
And nothing break the solemn hush
That should revere the master's end. 

"Tommy" is dead!--O Friend that knew
His depth and breadth and magic art,
His livening thought, his friendly heart,
What shall we speak? what shall we do? 

Sad tears o'er Buonarotti shed
His followers, when came the word, 
(The Muses mourning as they heard)
"Our master Angelo is dead!"

And "Tommy" was our Angelo, 
Great for this art-regardless day
As he in his great time and way;
For great is as the times allow. 

O Heart Sincere and Master Mind,
I step within thy studio door; 
And though we see thee now no more,
Thy noble spirit still I find.

Our hearts are as that empty room, 
Pervaded by thy present sphere;
Thy Art and Manhood linger there,
And rob the Shadow of its gloom. 

They close thy color-box with tears;
But, even as thou didst believe,
Another thou shalt soon receive,
To paint in brighter atmosphere. 

And all thy works and what thou art,
Our dear old "Tommy," follow thee;
Thy truth and thy sincerity
Shall hearten men who knew thy heart.