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Because of this delicate medical situation, my four doctors who treat me regularly insist on daily or near-daily monitoring. Knowing my financial situation and inability to pay for this, they do not charge me. They are willing to forego the fee to see I receive the medical attention I require. In addition, when it is possible, they pass along drug samples to help reduce my prescriptive drug bill. 

To cast financial light on this situation and to put this into perspective, my food bill for March through mid-April 1994 was $510. Out-of-pocket medical expenses were $314. I have estimated a conservative $500 per month or $6000 annual food expense. This added to $8400 mortgage and $8000 pharmaceutical needs comes to $22,400 annualy just for those three items. Other daily living expenses, such as clothing, automotive expenses, utility costs, art-related supplies, etc. have not been considered here. 

In summary, my need for assistance with prescriptive drugs and related medical costs, such as Diabetic foods is great. The monthly stipend I receive from the Steinbaum-Krauss Gallery is not sufficient to cover these costs.