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69 west 9th St.
NYC, NY 10011
Oct. 30, 1978

Bjetty, dear

You must have thought me extremely rude not to have purused further your offer of one of your dear wood sculptures for our house in Vers, Lot, France. Nothing would thrill me more. I interrupted your offer saying how I have loved your STAY AWAY piece I got from Al Sachs' show some years ago and it hangs over our telephone which keeps it from ringing too frequently out in the Country.

I shall try to get to Jock's to see your water colors...busy time my TV Show, but shall have more time in Nov.

In any event please, please let me have one you think is like you me and France. And then come visit us and hang it yourself.

Place du Chateau, Vers, Lot, France 46430. No phone save at the Post Office up the street. We shall be there again next May or june. You could go anytime. I shall just give you a key. Water would have to be turned on if you got there before we did.

Love, love, 
Beany Barker

I've put in reservation for the Cos. Club panel Nov. 29 with Adelaide Breskin! HOORAY!