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220 pictures and 15 peases [[pieces]]  of statuary passed the Jury.  The voting upon members work was the same as outsiders and several of the members did not get no one vote.  A surprising feature of the Exhibit is the many strong works painting as well as sculpture by women.  I have never seen them so strongly represented.  Of the three members in Chicago only one passed No 1 but three women from Chicago passed No. 1.  Only No 1 is elijibol [[eligible]] for active membership and No 2 for associate member.  

The Banquet was a fine affair.  There must have been about 150 present Ladies and Gentlemen.  Again I got frightened when I was taken to the head seat but the Toastmaster was kind enough to releave [[relieve]] me from being called upon to speak but of that I did not know nothing untill the whole affair was over