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majority of the works will compare advantageously with those of any American Exhibition.

The jury wisely adopted a rule that local members should not be allowed to vote on the admission of works by men from the their own centers, and sought thereby to avoid the heart burnings and personal jealousies which distract so many local art circles.  It insured too, the calm dispassionate judgment on the work presented, without the conflicting personal likes and dislikes which unconsciously influence the vote of men who may be either friends or enemies of the men whose work is under consideration.  I believe it to be absolutely necessary to the very existence of the Society that it should hold itself strictly aloof from all local squabbles and enmities arising out of rival art clubs.

From the very manner in which the members of this Society both associate and active, are elected, it follows that the society recognizes only the individual and is no sense a federative assembly of the delegates of various art clubs.  Owing to the fact that some of the members of this body were delegated by art clubs to which they belong there seems still