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times a week for dansing. Miss Putnam told me about your engagement, and I saw Miss Lowel in Paris. I hope you will come out here again. The carnival began yesterday, and they will have some very funny masks. I have seen pigs, tigers heads, and a great many others. We do not live in the same house, but in a house in a street called S. Gyrollonia that leads out of the square. The house is very easy to find because it is opposite to an iron fence. My French mistress tells me all about her husband. She says that he loses her money for her. She says: "Quelque fois il me perd un [[?]], deux [[?]], mais aujourd'hui il ne m'a perdu qu'un [[?]] [[?]] heureusement."
Poor man! she was going to buy him a silver snuff box (as he takes a good deal of snuff) for Christmas, but she says: "Moi je ne veux pas aller [[?]] vingt [[?]]  en [[?]] tout [[attière?]] pour qu'il la perde, et je ne lui en ai achete qu'une commune."

Yours affectionately
E.O.L. Boott

Transcription Notes:
there are 2 quotes from her French mistress on the second page that need transcribing the 2 French quotes still are missing a lot of words I couldn't decipher