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way it should be I think. We have passed a very happy summer on our hill top which is cool enough, tho' it is hot in the city. We shall probably go to town for the winter where a good studio can be found. This is a little too far away.-  Frank & I often speak of the days when we shall return to America & see you all. It would be very pleasant to me I assure you to see his mother & brother & sisters. I am sorry to hear that you have not been well, & have had rheumatism. It is a very troublesome thing - you ought to go to some hot baths which are the best cure for this trouble.

My father has gone to Switzerland for a month, or he would send you his kind regards. I sent you lately two more photographs of Frank & me. His looks a little discontented. He really looks happier than that! Goodbye - Kindest remembrances to all brothers & sisters, & believe me your affate daughter

Elizth Duveneck-