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           Charles E. Mills
             Dedham, Mass.

if possible, to get a studio there & if successful we will go down there next winter"
(-Note- We returned to Florence Jany 1 & I do not remember spending much time looking for studios - I find)
Florence January 2d. 1881
xx - We spent the greater part of our time driving about and so got to see a great deal of the out-doors part of Rome - The churches save St. Peter's & the Pantheon we did not get into - Several of the galleries - the Vatican, Capital & some others we saw, but the greater part of the time was devoted to "old Rome".
Florence Feby 13- 1881
xxx "I think I told you there was some talk of going to Rome, but D. has reconsidered & thinks that it is very probable the school won't keep up for many years longer & it will be best for us to be where we shall see the most & be right in the great art centre. I think there is little doubt we shall be in Paris next winter."
Florence Mar 27-1881
xxx "Last evening at dinner it was announced to us that this coming fall our Prof. (Duveneck) is going to return to America instead of to Paris as he had intended &
making his arrangements to do."