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NANCY CRAIG PROGRAM - Woman of Tomorrow

CRAIG: Dorothy Liebes, our charming guest this morning, is probably the greatest weaver alive today... certainly she has broadened textile horizons as no one before her... The other day, while looking at some of her exquisite handwoven fabrics, it seemed to me that Dorothy Liebes possesses an almost magic art.xx For through her exciting color combinations and use of unusual materials her fabrics seem to conjure up visions of lush countrysides... tropical gardens... glamorous Oriental scenes...luxurious homes...they have such a definite character.  

It all began in San Francisco many years ago when Mrs Liebes undertook some experiments with a  hand loom... Unfettered by any preconceived notions of what could and could not be done on a loom, she experimented with materials of all kinds. She was the first to introduce into handwoven fabrics unusual materials such as just, glass yarn, plastic threads, leather, straw, even ribbons and metallic threads which made fabrics that shimmer and glow like molten gold and silver....Her striking color combinations won for Dorothy Liebes a reputation [[insert]]L&T, (widal)[?][[insert]] as one of the country's great colorists.....And one of the questions I wanted to ask you, Mrs Liebes, is whether you believe a person is born with a sense of color, or achieves it... xxxxxxxx

LIEBES: You either know color, or you don't... You can develop any color sense you have through teaching, but you can't put some[[strikethrough]]t[[strikethrough]] [[insert]]thing[[insert]] there that isn't there in the first place....Composing with color
