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LIEBES: Yes. In more than eighty hospitals convalescing veterans are finding their way back to health and stability through a variety of handcraft activities.......altogether about forty different skills and arts.

CRAIG: It's a great work, Mrs. Liebes... ..and a wonderful help to these wounded men to fill their long days with interesting things to doand [[do and]] learn........

LIEBES: I want to tell you that at the Museum of Modern Art they are now having an exhibition of some of the handcraft of these veterans, which is well worth seeing...and there is also a Veterans Art Continuation Center at the Museum where veterans can go and continue in whatever branch of art they wish.

CRAIG: I want to see that exhibition, and I'm sure many of our listeners will want to see it. It was delightful to visit with you this morning, Dorothy Liebes. I've an idea some of our listeners will be stimulated to do some handweaving themselves- since it is not difficult to learn. Thanks so much for joining us.