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file 7th, W January 3rd, 1964 Dear Olgivanna: Here it is, the beginning of 1964 and I hope and pray it is a better, much better year for you and yours. You are so important to the happiness of so many people - your work is so important - that I hope and pray you do not overstretch your endurance and strength but keep well and save some time for all of us. I'm writing you about a most attractive young man who is here at the International Education Foundation, chiefly, I think, a grant from the Ford fund. But in any event, he is a visiting foreigner and a distinguished architect. In fact, he was chosen as one of the outstanding young architects of Europe. His name is Milan R. Palisaski. I'm enclosing his card. He's going out very soon on a trip across the United States. Naturally, coming to America, for him, meant coming to Taliesin. I don't think he wants to be a source of particular concern to you, rather just a chance to meet you and talk about your great mutual interest, architecture, a bit. On the personal side, we've been deadlineing in the studio for the past month on a show for duPont. I take off today to Chicago to arrange it and present new ideas for their whole textile fiber story. (Over)